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Murray Kenyon, CISO of US Bank and Bill Newhouse, Deputy Director of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education discuss the latest trends and challenges in cybersecurity and banking, including the following topics:
- Share a brief background on your career / role
- Share a brief background on your organization / financial services approach
- How is the threat landscape changing/evolving for financial services?
- How does the Cybersecurity role in whatever its form interact with the executive leadership and specifically your CTO/CIO? How is cybersecurity seen from the organizational perspective at US Bank?
- What technology trends either accelerated in their deployment or were delayed as a result of COVID-19 impact on the finance industry, banks, and other providers?
- What do you see as the biggest opportunities for the CISO role in 2021 and beyond? Any big changes after this past year?
- How do you manage the avalanche of data and information while simultaneously ensuring its privacy/security? Has innovation changed the dynamic between security and accessbillity?
- How do you support transformational innovation within your organization and simultaneously remain responsive to security needs? Are they in tension? Integrated?
- What would be the single most important technological implementation you’ve made in the past year or two that is having the largest impact on the bank (both externally and internally)