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Beth Rose and Darren Lee discuss the landscape of global commerce and the vital role of integrated supply chains, the technology environment necessary to support the movement of goods and services, and the associated risk, and the impact of an increasingly permanent state of disruption.
- Tell us a little bit about your career, what brought you to Ford, as well as your various roles there, including today as Chief Compliance, Ethics, and Integrity Officer? (For Darren Lee), what brought you to Proofpoint? How has your role evolved over the last decade there?
- How do you see supply chains continuing to evolve as we come through the pandemic, and how is digital supporting even greater change?
- What impacts did COVID19 have on your people around the globe, as compliance extended to health, and not just the goods and services and associated regulations? How did COVID19 shift an already evolving set of decision metrics? (For Darren Lee), how does Proofpoint see these issues evolving across the manufacturing sector and in general?
- What are the strategic technology decisions necessary not just for supply chains but the growing amount of data related to those shipments? Especially with a global footprint, like Ford?
- With compliance and integrity as a core internal guidepost, how do you operationalize those corporate principles? How do you maintain a stable compliance program in the midst of remote work, burn out, and a higher quit rate in a virtual world?
- How do you see compliance evolving not just generally, with the last DOJ commentary but as new requirements, like ESG, move into the corporate landscape for social responsibility?
- How do you manage compliance as Ford’s employees interact internally and externally with 3rd parties? How do you manage this larger risk footprint? In the US and globally?
- Any concluding thoughts for our audience as a Chief Compliance Officer on these topics or others?